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/ Earth Atmosphere Observatory / NASA Earth Atmosphere Observatory.iso / Final Report

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Name# Files

Document (15)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
Draft overall final report plus RASC_L2 GNC.ppt Power Point 112 8MB 2003-11-17
L2 Station keeping - the Non-planar case report.pdf Portable Document Format 186KB 2003-10-01
L2_Telescope Mass and Power v4_01-22-04.xls Excel Spreadsheet 7 84KB 2004-01-22
RASC_L2 C&DH final report.ppt Power Point 28 232KB 2004-01-26
RASC_L2 Comm final report.ppt Power Point 33 1MB 2004-01-24
RASC_L2 Infrastructure Options.ppt Power Point 6 3MB 2003-07-10
RASC_L2 Launch Support Structure final report.ppt Power Point 7 2MB 2003-12-03
RASC_L2 Mission Design GRC final report.ppt Power Point 12 818KB 2003-11-13
RASC_L2 Mission Design GSFC final report.ppt Power Point 5 49KB 2004-01-22
RASC_L2 Orbit Mechanics AAS_04-246.pdf Portable Document Format 1MB 2004-02-05
RASC_L2 Power final report.ppt Power Point 10 828KB 2003-12-09
RASC_L2 Propulsion final report.ppt Power Point 19 11MB 2003-11-19
RASC_L2 Science final report.ppt Power Point 24 378KB 2004-02-19
RASC_L2 Structures final report.ppt Power Point 15 104KB 2004-02-26
RASC_L2 Thermal final report.ppt Power Point 15 325KB 2003-10-30